The Parliamentary Opposition’s second round of the Notice of Motion of No-Confidence against the country’s sitting Prime Minister, James Marape was refused this afternoon by the Private Business Committee.
The committee met at lunch today and deliberated on the matter.
Deputy Speaker Koni Iguan in a written speech told Parliament that the Private Business Committee resolved to have rejected the motion due to similar justifications provided to substantiate it.
He said the motion only named a new alternative Prime Minister in Enga’s Sir Peter Ipatas.
That means the remaining business of government including the 2025 National Budget will be tabled tomorrow and be given 7-day period to the Opposition to counter it with a reply as is the West Minister tradition.
On September 12 this year, Parliament already dealt with the matter. In that, PM Marape was voted overwhelmingly with 75-32 to have defeated the VONC motion.